Monday, December 21, 2020

Of Mastery


Ever wondered why the successful aren’t available as the failures and some have come up with defenses claiming that they are unapproachable and yet in fact these fellows are busy or say are just like that. One of the most fundamental laws that progress people into spaces of mastery and inevitable success is mastery. Well, believe me or not. It is a fact that for one to achieve mastery, temperance is a must and he that does not master themselves, their desires Vs their vision will simply remain in a vicious cycle of defeat. It takes great courage to walk the journey of mastery.

Mastery means that regardless of what surrounds you or what nature brings, you remain stuck to the path of success that is set before always. Even before one steps into mastery, there is a realization for a need of discipline and this need of discipline must end in a setting of principles in line with the discipline. Mastery is a space achieved when the discipline is no longer compromised but highly in effect due to temperance and self-control. The highest level of elf discipline in pursuit of consistency and resilience is mastery. Mastery is a pattern that one has to set in order when climbing upwards. What qualifies to be a pattern is that it can be replicated with the same consistent results.

In mastery is a very deep subject I hope to touch one day called honor. The reason why you need people is not because they will give you capital or connect you to a job, the picture is to emulate the pattern of hose ahead of you, and by association assimilate yourselves in their character to the end that you might walk the same pattern to your journey.

Don’t be deceived that the journey your life is not common, no, it has existed and someone walked it to its fulfillment, so, put your pride away and walk where others have tilled. Be humble enough to ask and with gratitude and appreciate them.

I grew in a locality where the rich were next to devils. The way our parents talked about these crooks is as though they were next to Satan himself. Of course this unconsciously creates a certain negation to wealth and success which has a lot to do with how you my respond to money and success in the future. This is why one has to get rid of certain mental schemas to embrace success. The rich are mastered people, respect that and be humble enough to accept correction and learn.

I’ve genuinely touched a lot which I expect to expound on in the previous article but the substance of this conversation is that everybody ought to strive for mastery. Have a vision, outline ways in which you can achieve that vision, discipline yourself by allowing habits towards the vision and discarding habits against the vision, self-control and temperance are a result of that discipline and the roller coaster that opens you up to mastery. Mastery is a result of patterns. Mastery is the road to success. Blessings.

Next article: the glory of mystery

Other coming articles: honor in success

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Friday, December 18, 2020

The Role Of Perception


Do you ever realize that every time a challenge shows up in life, it is followed by a series of dark times through lament, sorrow and resourcefulness? Well this is so because our sensual man is subject to the external happenings of the environment he dwells and he can do nothing but react. The challenge with being reactionary is that there will be no action if all is well. That is why many times inventions and innovations come after we have been tried. The reaction however is fueled by a perception that decodes the external happening as a threat.

Perception will eventually lead to a reaction whether good or bad, beneficial or not, progressive or regressive depending on the strength of spirit of the receiver of the stimuli whose perception is elicited. The existence of challenges is a necessary evil otherwise, we would still be cave men. Because there exist challenges, solutions are derived and these have run the course of human civilization as we know it.

The advancement and success of the human race this far and the corresponding certainty of the existence of man is hinged upon those whose perceptions are right. A perception is only right if it seeks to overcome and outlive the challenge faced at a given time. Men with such perceptions win, control, and run the world. Such outlive their lives and influence the world for centuries or even millenniums. Socrates, Einstein, Newton, Edison, Watson and Crick, the list is endless are men who saw challenges as doors and not as barriers.

One doesn’t need to be faced with a million dollar challenge to think he can change the world, the gist is a problem solving mindset that one has to cultivate in oneself. This also goes down to parenthood. The world is looking for solutions not justifications of what has gone wrong. Of course wrong is not ignored but the real deal is how can we put it right?

The relevance of a man in a dispensation is the ability of that man to draw from within and quench the thirst of others without. This can be achieved through a change of mindset primarily. It doesn’t matter whence thou comest from but it matters what you can do to change. The human brain is one of the most underused organs, so, we are supposed to do better that we are doing if we are to secure our future and be relevant in all seasons.

No man can find true purpose without solving a problem for every purpose is to the benefit of others primarily but in the form of overcoming a challenge. One has to be superhuman to solve the problem of other people. This means that your destiny might be in the problems around you. You don’t need to look so far. Just look at the thirst without, draw from within and quench that thirst. This is the key to an immortal relevance.

Men that live their lives as thus are men that not only leave an inheritance for their children but their children’s children. Like I always say, believe in he who put you here on earth because you won among the billion sperm cells that gushed out that fateful day. You were chosen because all nature agreed that you can. So arise and take your place. The foundations of the earth are out of course because of unfulfilled and unexplored potentials that lie within frustrated men.

It is so bad to live so small yet the world is waiting for you to unleash your potential that all tides may beat in your direction and sail you to your destiny. The most painful bit of the story is that as one chooses to live small, he not only frustrates himself but also the destiny of others that are hinged on his for that is what will always be. Wake up, believe. Blessings.

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The Paradox of Geography


Another interesting phenomena about how life is fashioned in our quest to understand purpose is a rather intriguing one as it sort of robs some of clues and puts others right at the top of favor. This looks unjust, “why would it be easier for some to attain purpose and destiny than it is for others?” It’s the mystery of geography.

To a one born in Africa where a 70% or even more families live under a dollar a day, education is still grappling as foreign languages of the colonizers still have a lot to say and dependence on the western culture is inevitable, huge loans, and deficit budgets all leading to one point, strife. It is but a challenge for one to even pursue their dream, aspiration or vision. In such circumstances, survival is primary. “Chasing your dream” is more of the western world because to the black man, reality is survival.

This is why 80% or so Africans live utmost middle income status. I am no economist but I have chosen to live with these in my head for what else can we do about it. It’s in Africa where a little boy grows in a neighborhood with a single television that watches news on one free channel offered by the state for others are paid for. Movies of the 1980s are dominant on these channels commonly about American commandos. This isn’t bad but my pain is that there is often no exposure of this young lad to what the world really is but grows up admiring a certain juvenile that rents a bike from some so called rich dude in the village. With such a vision, these boys usually quit school early for petty jobs so as to afford trending second hand clothes and a bottle of whisky for a girl next door. This cycle sadly continues until years go by and potentials are frustrated just like that. I speak for Africa for I am African and this continent is all I know for my dwelling is here. If the same is taking place elsewhere, we can refer but this is my cry.

I am sorry for my friends in philosophy, I’ve really got you nagged by that story, so back to purpose. It is amazing how life seems so unfair to this little African lad and yet so clear to the western kid. ‘Why would even God allow that?” some ask. I too asked that one time.

But overtime, one thing holds true, the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong but time and chance happen to us all. It doesn’t matter whether you are in Africa or Asia, there will still be a chance to unveil your potential, for a fact. The only thing required is the wisdom to know your window, when that moment knocks. Being African, Asian, etc. should not be an excuse for living a frustrated life. One should always keep open to know when the moments that define your destiny are close. The wisdom to know this is beyond discipline, it’s the luck, intention, preparation or whatever you want to call it.

They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercies. There is a key which I have found really instrumental in discerning the windows, it is called selfishness. If the motive of a move is selfish, it’s letting you down no matter how attractive it is. This, means that as one seeks to understand their purpose, they ought to search their heart whether it be love that is driving the action, if not, it is vanity. God created this world for us to help each other, carry each other’s visions and birth one another’s visions, so this mind should and always drives you to satisfaction and success.

Sorry for my atheist friends but reality is, nothing is accidental but intentional. Look beyond self and vision will unfold. Look beyond self and see nature literally breaking for you to go up there. Believe and you will be. Choose to believe. Blessings.

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The mystery of purpose


“Why am I here on earth?” is a question that you should have entreated God for unless you are not human but if so, then you probably care for your life. Getting deeper into this is a vital component we have to critically take into account and this is what I call destiny. I strongly believe that we all existed pre-incarnate and I know many of that many people may not agree to this but I request an ear. If your faith is small, then consider it Philosophy, the holy book speaks of a one known before he was formed in his mother’s womb, more also was anointed to fulfill a purpose before he was the result of an egg-sperm fusion. This sort of theory gives me the audacity to proudly say that I was put here for a purpose and you too pal. That’s why I have the guts to think I can help with that.

Think about it for a moment, if you were put here with a purpose, there has to be some clues to help you achieve that, why? Because whosoever put you here regardless of whichever force or deity you choose to believe conspired to put you here must have desired that you play your part and this must be encased in some sort of clues or less a puzzle-like kind of encounter.

Not forgetting that as much as you like to fulfill that which you came here for, some forces desire to make you fail. Now this should be obvious because of a fact I don’t think we should debate about another day, ”the duality of things” e.g. male and female, death and life, and so forth for this is a principle that runs throughout life and thus good and bad.

Human life seems to be a constant fight between that which is good and that which is bad and what you yield to will determine whether you win or you don’t. inasmuch as we all have an understanding of success, it is relative, to Mother Theresa, it was helping the poor, to St. Francis, a poor life, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther etc. all have different explanations of what success is.

Despite the variety of ideas we may call success, one thing is common to all and that is satisfaction. So the question is, what satisfies you upon accomplishment. What is that thing you build castles in the air about every time you think about it, it might be your purpose. Give it a try, risk for it because if it is surely the reason you were put on earth for, nature will provide for it and for you. Though this is sweet, as you approach your destiny, the enemy of course hardens the fight, but there will be provision for you to win by nature, for good always overcomes.

Step out in faith and believe that all odds are on your side cheering you up to your victory, believe and thou shalt surely win. Blessings.

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The African perspective

Here in Uganda, the Pearl of Africa, the gem of East Africa, we stand rooted in a land rich with promise yet gaze outward, enchanted by the ...